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Contoh laporan pkl smk

  • Register Request Opening of Credit Facility.
  • Filling the register book, including : Tell customers what terms are needed in the signing of the credit agreement. Communicating with customers via telephone related to the availability of the customer to come to the bank for signing of loan agreement. Regional Development Bank Jambi Branch Muara Bulian, the authors do a fair amount of activity every day, including : - Implement business communications, including : a. 2.4 activities During the practical activities of industrial work in PT. Conducting monitoring hearts Period Yang has determined to review the findings of the workingSeeing Operate Regular Students.

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    Provide guidance and Doctrine What is needed for carrying out activities prakerin. From Agency : Practice tested According WITH Competency Standards Should be achieved. From School : The theory is given and tested Good Operating orally or in writing. Instructor from intance : Abdul Harith Amin, SE - Form Instructor a. Instructor from school : Ririh Widayanti, SE b. Tel : ( 0743 ) 21098-21090 - Leader Name : Edi Lastono K, SE - Instructor Name : Santri Santana, SE 2.3 Instructor - Name of Instructor a.

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    32, Muarabulian - Line of Business : Financial Services - No. Regional Development Bank Jambi Branch Muara Bulian - Address : Jenderal Sudirman Street No. CHAPTER II CONTENT 2.1 Time Frame - Old Practice : 3 months - Starts : JanuEnds : Ma2.2 Overview The Industrial Work Practices Agencies - Agency Name : PT. As one proof that the student has done Employment Practices Industry ( Prakerin ) well. To qualify for final settlement and accounting competency test. Collect data for school needs and interests of the students themselves.

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    The students were able to look for alternative solutions in accordance with the vocational courses that have more broadly and deeply revealed that the formulation of the paper. Train and remind the student's skills in making paper. In order for pupils to develop the theoretical foundations derived from related school prakerin results. 1.3 The Purpose Of Making a Prakerin Report a. Provide recognition of work experience as part of the educational process. Improve process efficiency and effectiveness of education and training. Strengthening the compatibility between vocational schools and the world of work. Produce a quality workforce, the workforce has a level of knowledge and skills in accordance with the demands of the working world. Implementation of Industrial Work Practices ( Prakerin ) at SMK aims to : 1. In general, the implementation of the Industrial Work Practices program aimed to improve the knowledge and skills of students according to their field, settling down to real work situations, and so forth.

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    1.2 The Purpose Of Prakerin Implementation Industrial Work Practices ( Prakerin ) is a system of learning is done outside of Teaching Learning and carried out at the company / industry or agencies that have been determined. Thus, both parties should be involved and responsible for the program from the planning stage, the stage of implementation, through assessment and determination of students' graduation. There are two parties, ie educational institutions and employment are jointly implementing a program of vocational skills.


    Because, professional expertise a person is not measured by the acquisition of knowledge and the technique works, but it must be equipped with a real mastery of the way to work. It can be seen from the learning conditions are not conducive to generating a professional workforce. In accordance with the results of the observation and study of the Directorate of Education and Vocational holding pattern in SMK not explicitly able to produce graduates as expected. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1.1 Background Employment Practices Industry ( Prakerin ) is a process of learning by deploying students on an agency company, as one form of education and training activities for students that combine education in schools with education in the Industry which is obtained by performing work practices directly and directionally to add specific expertise.

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